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Recruitment of Consultants on Contract basisPower Finance Corporation (PFC), a Nav-Ratna Company intends to hire Engineers / Management Professionals as Consultants on contract basis purely for temporary requirement for its IPDS projects. The contract would be initially for a period of six months, extendable by six months depending upon requirement and the performance of the individual but not beyond two years :
- Consultants (Engineers / Management) : 50 posts (UR-25, OBC-13, SC-7, ST-4, PH-1), Age : 21-45 years, Emolument : Rs.55000/- for candidates having experience 1-5 years and Rs. 62000/- for candidates having experience more than 5 years.
How to Apply : Apply Online at PFC website from 12/10/2015 to 26/10/2015.
Please visit http://www.pfcindia.com/Career_View.aspx for more information and apply online.